Everyone knows you need a license to fish, but what happens when you reach 65? Do senior citizens need a fishing license?
Well, it depends, many states do offer a free license for seniors, some don’t require a license and others provide a discount and some still expect seniors to pay for a license.
Fishing License For Seniors – The Basics
Fishing licenses help states to ration the amount of fish pulled from rivers and watercourse and they help them get state funding.
Despite this, many states are now encouraging seniors to spend more time in the great outdoors and the current system works like this:
- 27 states of the Union offer a discounter license to senior citizens
- Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iown, Mississiple, Ohio and Rhode Island do not require a license from seniors and thus, don’t provide one
- 34 states offer discounted fishing (and hunting) licenses to retired military (veterans)
- 23 states offer free licenses to retired citizens
It’s worth noting that some states charge a token fee for a “free permit” because if they don’t make at least $1, they lose $41 of federal funds for each license issued.
The best way to find out what’s available in the way of fishing license deals for seniors in your state is to Google “your state name and fishing license for seniors”.
It is worth noting that most states offer two or three types of license – a freshwater license (for fishing in rivers and lakes), a saltwater license (for fishing estuaries, seas and oceans) and a combination license (for both).
You must apply for the right fishing license for your type of fishing or you could get into trouble. They may also offer additional licensing for any kind of fishing that isn’t just using a fishing rod and line – so check that when you apply too.
Final Thoughts On Seniors And Fishing Licenses
Fishing is a great hobby, in fact, it’s said to be the world’s most popular hobby and most of the United States want to encourage seniors to start fishing.
That means you can often get a free or discounted license as a senior to help you enjoy the great outdoors.
If you want more money to spend on your hobby, you could always turn some of your other hobbies into cash or check out our well-paid jobs for retirees list or our stress-free jobs for retirees.