Research reveals it’s our If you’re in your golden years, then it might be a good idea to consider using a multivitamin. Why?
Well, because research shows that it’s harder for our bodies to absorb vitamins and minerals from our diet as we get older.
Sadly, not all of these supplements are created equally and some of them appear to be dangerous. How dangerous?
Well, consumer reports showed over 6,000 possible serious adverse effects linked to the use of supplements.
That’s a lot of bad news but we do have some good news for you.
Our list of the best and worst multivitamins for seniors can help you ensure that the supplements you take are 100% safe and help you avoid some of the most common brands that might cause you problems too.
The 3 Worst Multivitamins For Seniors
We start with the 3 worst forms of multivitamin supplement for seniors.
We wouldn’t expect these to be fatal but they all have ingredients that could be problematic for your health.
Flintstones Vitamins
These are children’s vitamins, but many seniors opt for them because they want a softer supplement.
The trouble is that they contain cupric oxide (which may be toxic), aspartame (a sweetener linked to many adverse effects), coal tar (yuck), artificial coloring, and GMO soy and corn!

Centrum Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
These are massively popular, and they earn nearly $1 billion a year for their sales for the big pharma company, Pfizer.
This contains synthetic Vitamin E, beta carotene (both linked to cancer), hydrogenated palm oil (linked to cardiac problems), toxic colorings and a form of Magnesium Oxide which is particularly hard to use in the body.

Bayer One A Day
We don’t know that the beta carotene in this product is synthetic but the fact that it’s not labelled “natural” suggests that it might be.
We’d also avoid Magnesium Oxide and Zinc Oxide if you’re a man as these may have a negative consequence for your prostate.

The 3 Best Multivitamins For Seniors
So, now, we move onto the best 3 multivitamins for seniors. This time, we’ve included links to help you source them more easily.
Vitamin IQ Whole Food Multivitamin
Completely formulated to the FDA’s current, 2020, guidelines on vitamin supplements.
All the ingredients are made from whole foods and organic sources.
They’ve also made sure to optimize the formula for bioavailability.
When you take these vitamins, they actually benefit your entire body.
They do cost a little more than some other supplements but there’s no doubt that you get what you pay for.
They also formulate, sensibly, for both men and women as they acknowledge that our dietary needs in our old age are different based on your biological sex.
Women can find the right Vitamin IQ Whole Food Multivitamin formula here:
and men can find theirs here:
Naturelo One A Day
A more cost-effective option and again with men and women’s formulae to ensure that you always get the right mix of vitamins for your body.
They do use wholefood and organic ingredients which is important to us.
However, it’s fair to say that some of these forms of vitamin might not be perfectly bioavailable.
It’s nice to see the manufacturer acknowledge this on the packaging.
This supplement is also 100% vegan.
Women can find the right Naturelo One A Day forum here:
and men can find theirs here:
Thorne Research Basic Nutrients Complete Multivitamins
This multivitamin is very affordable.
It contains more than enough vitamins to keep every senior feeling great.
It also has enough mineral content to top up your natural levels without going overboard.
We’re slightly disappointed that there aren’t men’s and women’s version – so, you will be taking some supplements at a higher level than you might need thanks to the unisex formula.
They’ve been certified by the NSF for quality control, the overall integrity of the product and their manufactuting process.
You can find the Thorne Research Basic Nutrients Complete Multivitamins here.
Final Thoughts On Multivitamins For Seniors
We hope that our list of the best and worst multivitamins for seniors has helped you to make more informed choices about your supplements.
There’s no doubt that getting extra vitamins and minerals is a big benefit as you get older but getting the right ones is equally important.
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